
Wow!, I’ve just had my 200,000th visitor since statistics began (on this blog anyway)! A visitor from St Louis searching for the Von Trapp Family Singers. Meanwhile, page views are well on there way to 2,500,000.

This and That, Stuff and Nonsense

It’s been a while again, since I blogged. Quite a lot has happened in various areas.
Firstly my posting of my themes has been incredibly popular. The first two days after I posted them saw my visitors peak at over 1200 a day! I’ve got another three based on the same layout. I’ll release those too, just as soon as I can package them up.

I can now tell all about the news I mentioned recently. Jamie has been offered a place at St Bede’s College and we have accepted. Its not going to be easy but the school has such a good reputation and such fantastic results that we decided we couldn’t miss the opportunity. We’ve visited several times now and we all love the place.

I noticed that Alex King has a new version of his Tasks Task Manager software. I keep meaning to look into Tasks for use in my attempts to implement GTD. Perhaps now is an ideal opportunity.

In other news, the second Usability Professionals Association – North of England – Manchester Meeting is going to take place on Tues 29 March 2005.

The main event on the 29th March is a talk from Louise Ferguson, who is the Vice President of the UK chapter of the UPA and an expert in ethnography and how it can inform design.

I’m looking forward to it; I enjoyed the last meeting. If you are coming along, look me up and say Hi.

I’m sure there’s more…

Another 3-Column WordPress Theme

Whilst I’m in the mood, here is another three-column theme for wordpress. This one is ‘Journalized Sand’ and is almost the same layout as Journalized Blue.

Clicking the thumbnail below will show you a full size screen shot of the theme in action.
screenshot of journalized sand theme
You can download the files from here: journalized-sand-theme-1.0.2.tar.gz (tar ball for unix or similar users) or journalized-sand-theme-1.0.2.zip (zip file for Windows users).

To install simply expand the archive on your local machine. You should have a directory called ‘journalized-sand’. Upload the directory and the files within it to your wp-content/themes folder on your server. Login to your blog’s administration pages and go to the Presentation page. The new theme should be listed there ready for you to select. If not check the permissions on your uploaded files.

You will need to tweak it a little. Not least to change the link categories in the calls to wp_get_links().
Enjoy! The theme is licensed under the GPL. So you may modify it and distribute it. Please let me know if you use it, modify it, etc. If you have any questions leave a comment on this post with your question. Comments are moderated so you won’t see your comment immediately.

Update: The permanent home of this theme is now https://journalized.zed1.com/themes/journalized-sand

Journalized Theme

At last, a mere week late, I have released my blog layout and colour scheme as a WordPress theme.
Clicking the thumbnail below will show you a full size screen shot of the theme in action.
screenshot of journalized theme
You can download the files from here: journalized-blue-theme-1.0.3.tar.gz (tar ball for Unix or similar users) or journalized-blue-theme-1.0.3.zip (zip file for Windows users).

To install simply expand the archive on your local machine. You should have a directory called ‘journalized-blue’. Upload the directory and the files within it to your wp-content/themes folder on your server. Login to your blog’s administration pages and go to the Presentation page. The new theme will be listed there ready for you to select. If not check the permissions on your uploaded files.

You will need to tweak it a little. Not least to change the link categories in the calls to wp_get_links().
Enjoy! The theme is licensed under the GPL. So you may modify it and distribute it. Please let me know if you use it, modify it, etc. If you have any questions leave a comment on this post with your question. Comments are moderated so you won’t see your comment immediately.

Update: I have updated the download files to a new version along the rules and guidelines for the theme competition

Update: The permanent home of this theme is now https://journalized.zed1.com/themes/journalized-blue


I’ve not managed to blog recently. Things have been pretty busy: Work is busy: juggling deadlines and moving goals. Things have been busy at home in lots of ways too, trying to get things sorted, clearing out and selling on ebay. The car is currently very poorly.
I’ve been continuing my attempts to implement David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) and I’ve also started reading Covey’s 7 Habits. We are almost ready to announce some exciting news about Jamie, and I have a couple of new projects I’m trying to roll out.
I was also supposed to massage my blog layout into a WordPress drop in theme this weekend. Unfortunately, I didn’t get chance to complete that (sorry Mark). I’ll try to finish that one over the next couple of evenings.
I’ve read some good books and listened to lots of good music. More when I get chance…

WordPress All Updated

I’ve finally updated the last of the WordPress blogs I manage to version 1.5: this one.
I have, once again, managed to keep (almost) all my customisations and themes. As I did for the other blogs: Jamie’s The Cat’s Paw and Jan’s Family Histree. Plus one other, not yet public.
I have to thank Podz for hisUpgrading 1.2 to 1.5 page. Lots of useful info on there.
I need a new theme now it’s so easy to play about with them, and some more plug ins. Oh! And some more time too.
Note: You may need to refresh your browser to get the stylesheet from the new location.