Another WordPress MU Site

I noticed a few people are reporting the new WordPress MU site I’d be interested to know which version of WordPress MU they are running, there is no version string in the normal output.

I also notice that the feature list from is included verbatim. Thus it mentions, Full standards compliance. Unfortunately none of the pages that I’ve tried to validate manage to be standards compliant! In their eagerness to include Google adsense adverts, they didn’t bother to insert them in a compliant way! There are other issues too.

It seems to be run by the same people who are behind Free.TV. You know, the free-set-top-box-but-you-have-to-buy-it-first-and-you-might-get-a-refund people! Hmmm… Proceed with caution.

Update:It turns out the domain owner is Ric Johnson the guy behind, and also connected with, however is run by Scott Sykes who really needs to add some contact information to make things clear. Scott is behind some other community sites, including and He also runs a blog at

9 thoughts on “Another WordPress MU Site

  1. Webloog.Com is NOT run by Free.TV !!!
    This is an OpenDomain that is being used by someone else!

    Quick summary of OpenDomain:
    1) I own a bunch of domains
    2) I let people USE them for FREE! No strings attached
    3) I am NOT responsible for content

    You might know another OpenDomain recently used: http://WordPress.Com ? Yes – I transfered WordPress.Com to Matt to use as part of the OpenDomainProgram (see the link to http://OpenDomain.Org on the front page ?)

    Other OpenDomains:
    http://Greylisting.Org/about.shtml GreyListing (Anti-SPAM)
    http://Xmpp.Org Jabber (Instant Messaging)
    http://Xaml.Net Xaml (.Net Markup for Avalon)
    http://PhotoMatt.Net/2005/07/26/wordpresscom WordPress.Com (blog software)
    http://Bloog.Com Matthew Evans (Radio Producer)
    http://GlobalDimming.Com Environment (Global Warming)

    Check us out!

  2. Ric,
    I reached that conclusion because both the organisation that registered and the contact details for are at the same address. Yours! Also Cedric Johnson (technical contact for, and I’m guessing, a relative) has a email address.

    Yes, I do remember, of course, you offered it to me at one point.

  3. Mike,
    Yes, I do own the domains, but the content is up to the Users of the domain. Scott Skyes is using – I will ask him to put up a contact page if there are any questions. He does have to abide by the terms, such as no SPAM, but since it seems he is using it for free WordPress blogs, I figured it was a good way to use it.
    I did actually transfer WordPress.Com to Matt. Although I could have sold it for a pretty penny, I felt he could support WPMU better than I. Although I am still waiting for my invite! 🙁

  4. Pingback: OpenDomain.Org

  5. Pingback: Footsteps in the Mirror » Wordpress: The Good and The Dodgy

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