Even More Impressive

Now that Googles index has nearly doubled in size to over 8 billion pages, I’m now number one mike out of 141 million!
That means I’m even more important doesn’t it? 😉

7 thoughts on “Even More Impressive

  1. I’m Saqib Khalid and I work on My Yahoo! First off thanks for including the “add-to-my-yahoo!” button on your [site/blog] – we hope you’re seeing more traffic as a result.

    One small request: in conjunction with the launch of the All-New My Yahoo!, we’ve created an all-new “add-to-My” button. While the old button is acceptable, we’d prefer if you switched to the new format for consistency. You can easily grab it here: http://my.yahoo.com/s/button.html

    This page will generate the code needed to create the button for your site (with or with a textlink). However, you may prefer to code it yourself. Simply follow the instructions here: http://my.yahoo.com/s/faq/rss/publishers.html#promotefeed

    Thank you!
    – – Yahoo!

  2. Pingback: Jacken's Weblog

  3. Hi Mike – just wanted to say…this is huge for you. Very cool. I would love to be the #1 nate on google. Right now it is NATE – the National Association for the Teaching of English.

    Maybe in a couple years?

    Keep up the good work.


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