A List Apart and Sexy Sliding Doors

I’m a little slow with the news, but version 3.0 of A List Apart has just gone live. It features a completely new look, standards compliant of course, a selection of XML feeds and a fabulous article on a sexy new UI technique: Douglas Bowman’s Sliding Doors Method.

Image-driven, visually compelling user interfaces. Text-based, semantic markup. Now you can have both! Douglas Bowman’s sliding doors method of CSS design offers sophisticated graphics that squash and stretch while delivering meaningful XHTML text. Have your cake and eat it, too!


Long Time No Blog

It’s been a while, but I am still here! I’ve been pretty busy at work and I’ve been spending less time on the PC at home. Plus I’ve just not been in the mood 😉
In brief, I’ve still got a long list of books I want to mention. I’m still tweaking my WordPress installation here. Work has been busy but not too stressful. I’m still cycling 50 miles a week, but the old waistline is not reducing 🙁
Things are moving again on the WordPress development front, we have a new member on board (that makes three Mikes and a Michel), and the buzz at the moment is comment spamming and it’s prevention.
I’m sure there are a million other things I could write about but it’s late now, so I’m off to bed.

Later days…

WordPress 0.72 Is Out

Hurray, WordPress 0.72 is now out! As Dougal notes there are lots of new things:

* All most all of the configuration options are managed through your browser. Edit your config file once and never touch it again!
* A new default style
* Improved Post/Edit interface makes it easy to edit/delete recent comments
* Improved HTML auto-formatting
* Password protected posts
* New get_links_list() function builds your entire blogroll for you
* Improved Links Manager
* Support for blogging clients that use the metaWeblog and MovableType APIs
* ‘Quicktags’ gives more intuitive HTML formatting option when editing posts
* Image upload feature compatible with more PHP server setups
* RSS feeds for comments
* RSS feeds now support “Conditional GET” to help conserve bandwidth
* Geoposition support
* Security fixes
* …and tons of minor little bug fixes…

You can get it from SourceForge

Food For Thought

David McWilliams as written an interesting article about the land problem in Ireland and how it devalues the currency in our pockets: Paying a mortgage, not rent, is dead money in today’s world.

“Irish banking operates a land standard. The soaring price of land and houses are intricately linked to the profitability of our banking system and as such, both are part of the problem.”

Hmmm… I like this man’s thinking. The article make an awful lot of sense.

Thanks to Donncha O Caoimh for the link.

Server Slow

Unfortunately my server is being very, very slow at the moment 🙁
There must be something wrong with it as it keeps gettting restarted (uptime at time of writing is 18 minutes!). I can’t seem to get anything out of my hosting support people at the moment.