Busy, Busy, Busy

I’ve had quite a few really busy days at work recently. I seem to be constantly switching from one thing to another. What with releases, branch merges, more releases, big meetings, production problems, etc. I haven’t worked on my scheduled project for more than about half a day in the last week!
I’ve also been busy with projects at home too: I’ve designed and set up Jan’s web site, helped Thom get back up and running, spent time investigating CMS applications, answered a hundred emails and forum questions (or so it seems), and actually managed to spend some time on WordPress development!
Inbetween times, I’ve managed to post on here once in a while.

Still to do: More WordPress development, find a CMS Jan and I can use, more forum answers, update b2 links, think of a new layout and design for this site, help Steve move to a new hosting server, read a dozen books, get back into cycling, give up smoking, encourage Jamie to write more on her blog, upgrade the PC in the kitchen, and probably a dozen more things I’ve temporarily forgotten!

Web goes down the toilet

Just spotted this story over at BBC tech news.

“Design graduate Andrew Cubitt has taken the humble toilet roll and turned it into a hi-tech news and information service.
A unit installed in front of a toilet on the cubicle wall provides up-to-the-minute information on products, stocks and shares and lottery results.
People can even print off the information on a standard toilet roll. “

And it’s not even April 1st

Linkin Park Searches

It looks like I was wrong! People are searching for “lincoln park meteora”.
Currently search terms involving linkin, park, and/or meteora make up 10 of my top 15 search terms, since I started collecting those stats.

The album is still bearing up! I must have listened to it more than 75 times now and I still love it. That’s got to be the sign of a good album! It’s not exclusive anymore, I’ve listened to the other two as well — LOL!
I also watched the DVD over the weekend. It was pretty interesting. I was surprised at just how much work they put into the album. Quite incredible.

Another Day At Home

I’ve now spent the last three days at home, not working. I’ve spent time taking Jamie to and from school, lots of domestic stuff, ironing, cleaning, making meals, etc. Well, not lots exactly, more like the bare minimum required! I’ve also caught up on reading my magazines, and finished a book or two.

I’ve finished that blog I was working on. Now I’ve got another one to do!

Jan’s back is improving every day. We’re hoping that she will be ok by weekend and I can go back to work on Monday.

She’s also doing really well without cigarettes; 11 days now!

Site Down

Damn, this site has been down for at least 9 hours! I’ve actually managed to miss blogging for a day! Oh no! 🙁
Strangely, the symptoms were similar to the outage I had recently with zed1.net. The server was still up, ftp worked, SSH worked but this time it looked like the virtual hosting disappeared. I managed to find some other sites hosted on this server showing the same symptoms.
Anyway it’s back now, and I forgotten what I was going to say last night.