Yay! After a long wait WordPress 0.72 Beta 1 is available! Get it from the usual place.
There are lots of new things in this release. Have a play. Report bugs.
Category Archives: WordPress
General Catchup
I seem to be struggling to get back into the swing of things after the holiday!
I have a ton of things IRL to catch up on; bills to pay, calls to make, people to chase up, etc. I also have loads of email to answer, questions in forums to respond to, coding for WordPress, book reviews to write, and so on.
I did have a day in the office on Friday which went quite well. Apart from that I’m not really motivated at the moment. Hopefully I can pull myself together over this long weekend.
I’ve not posted for a while, but here are some little bits of info:
I was back in work on Monday, which wasn’t too bad. I managed a gentle slide back into the thick of things.
I’m still working away at WordPress. I’ve just committed a contribution which allows you to add geographic tags (latitude and longitude) to a post.
I’ve been getting comments on some old stories quite recently this one, this, this old favourite, and this.
Do you remember those old cartoons where all products seem to be available mail order and only from the ACME company? Well go to the Illustrated Catalog of ACME Products for some serious nostalgia!
I went swimming again today (yesterday now) with Jamie, Megan and Steve. We got in the pool earlier than usual and the place was a lot emptier. It was much better. Of course, it slowly filled up as time went on. Hi to Sam and kids whom we saw there! Anyway, we had a good time and went back home afterwards.
Kim was round when we got back and Jan had just returned from shopping. We spent the rest of the afternoon just chatting and relaxing. Very enjoyable.
On another front, I’ve been working some more on WordPress, things are moving along nicely.
Finally, I’m back in work tomorrow after 4 days off 🙁 Ho hum, it’s only for a week, then I’m off again.
More Windows
The guys were here at eight o’ clock this morning, and got stuck in straight away. Jan and Jamie went out early on. We knew that the fitters would soon be working in the kitchen leaving us practically nowhere to sit out of the way. So they decided to do some shopping. I went into the cellar and worked on WordPress.
They’ve done really well today. The builder got the base of the bay window built, both inner and outer bricks, internal floor, and internal wall. The fitters have now got all the windows in place, including the bay window! They still need to finish a little for the upstairs window at the front, and a lot to do on the bay window. But still fantastic progress. Someone is coming tomorrow to fit the lead on top of the new bay (to waterproof it).
My Mum is coming tomorrow as she is having her flat rewired, so she is coming to ours to keep out of the way! I suppose it will be quieter here now they’ve got most of the work done, but we weren’t expecting that, and I wasn’t sure just how much peace she would get.
I’ve got to go into the office tomorrow for a meeting, that should be interesting.
I’ve done some more work on WordPress this weekend. The rest of the team are getting on too. With luck and a following wind we should start moving towards a beta of the next version soon.
Things have been quiet around WordPress for the last week or so, but it looks like things are starting to move again.
WordPress At OpenSourceCMS.com
Great to see that WordPress is now available to try before you… install at OpenSourceCMS.com.