WordPress is Three Years Old

Wow, WordPress is a mere three years old today. It seems like it’s been going a lot longer, but the birth of what turned into WordPress was three years ago today.

If you’re serious about forking b2 I would be interested in contributing. I’m sure there are one or two others in the community who would be too. Perhaps a post to the B2 forum, suggesting a fork would be a good starting point.

Comment by mike — Saturday January 25, 2003 @ 3:58 pm

For a three-year-old its doing very well. It’s got a great team behind it, a massive community, a lot of big name endorsements, a book
(well a third of a book), or two, and a great future ahead.

Many happy returns!

30 thoughts on “WordPress is Three Years Old

  1. Pingback: The White Blog » Happy Birthday WordPress!

  2. Pingback: Happy Birthday Wordpress! at Some Foo

  3. Pingback: Popagandhi » Blog Archive » Wordpress Turns Three

  4. Pingback: diGit Blog

  5. Pingback: Happy Third Birthday WordPress! - HTNet

  6. I got a copy of the Building Communities book recently. Haven’t had a chance to do much more than give it a quick skim yet, but I’m hoping to dig into it soon and put up a review. Looks good from what I’ve seen so far!

    Even with all the changes between WP 1.5 and 2.0, the info in the book should still be about 95% applicable.

  7. Pingback: Standing Tall » WordPressが3歳に

  8. Pingback: Texto.de

  9. Pingback: Phoenixrealm » WordPress Turns Three

  10. Pingback: The English Guy » Happy 3rd Birthday, WordPress

  11. Pingback: WordPress » Blog Archive » WP cumple 3 años.

  12. Pingback: Diario a Borbo » WordPress cumple tres años

  13. Pingback: sjhoward.co.uk » Wordpress turns three

  14. Pingback: Three Years Old Wordpress at ericsetiawan.com

  15. Around three years ago was the first time i found out about blogging, and to be honest, back then i never thought it would catch on!
    Boy, look at it now…
    Well, im now bvlogging to my hearts content, and yes, you guessed it, im using wordpress as the tool to do it!

    Great platform to use, bette than any other blogging software, and 3 years old!!!??

    Celebrations all round i think…

  16. weeeeee happy birfday!!!
    i just finally upgraded wp and relized its alot easier to select original theme before upgrading 😀 hehe and then bloop click on yours, and bloop it worked
    i love when things work!

  17. Pingback: Room 88 News 2.0

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  19. WordPress does indeed seem older! Congratulations on your book

    Just to set the record straight, there’s another WordPress book too: WordPress 2 (Visual QuickStart Guide) by Maria Langer and Miraz Jordan.

  20. Pingback: Coadunation » links for 2006-12-22

  21. I been using wordpress about 2 years now. Install on a Linxu computer. It works very good. I like to type what I do each day and word press is so good to do this. It’s neat I have about 2 years in it now and I can look back at some things with a search.

    It’s neat you can run it on a server in here house or LAN. Can open a port so other can see it on the web.

    I don’t want to give out my Website here because it’s going though my LAN. Mosly just so my family can read my wordpress.

    Thank you for word press!

    -Raymond Day

  22. Pingback: Standing Tall » WordPressが3歳に

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