Oops! Some things can be a little too popular

It looks like blogchalking should have considered sending out staggered emails regarding their change of server rather than modifying the images pulled from their old server to say “update your image”.

“Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.”

I also read this story on wired today:

“An author hoping to spur sales of his book is facing a gigantic bill after an online publishing experiment went horribly awry.
Last week, writer Glenn Fleishman offered his book, Real World Adobe GoLive 6, as a free download.
But instead of the few hundred downloads Fleishman expected, the book was downloaded about 10,000 times in just 36 hours. And because he’s charged incrementally for bandwidth, Fleishman estimates he could be billed $15,000 at the end of the month — possibly a lot more.”