TeeVee make me SleePee

Watching TV make my brain go to sleep. It really does. I normally stay awake until at least 1 or 2am. Pretty much every night. Yet, last night and tonight after sitting watching the Commonwealth Games coverage, in which I’m taking an interest, I’m dropping off in my seat by 11pm. What it going on?
I can only imagine that it is because I’m being passive. When I normally stay awake until 1am or later, I am either reading, coding, browsing websites, emailing, or chatting. I’m using my brain, I’m actively engaged. Yet watching TV seems to turn off my brain. The funny thing is that I can watch a film through to the early hours. At least if it’s an interesting one, even if I’ve seen it before. So like books, films hold my interest.
It may also be true that sitting in the lounge means that I am not sat upright. The so -called comfortable seating in the lounge only allows one to slouch, leaning back. Whereas sitting reading in the kitchen or sitting at my computer I tend to sit upright with quite good posture.
So after falling asleep in front of the TV at probably around 10:30pm, I’m now sat in front of the computer feeling quite alert.
Very strange. Perhaps this explains why I don’t watch TV at all. I reckon that the nearly eight hours I’ve watched in the past two days has doubled my TV consumption this year!

Manchester 2002

I’ve just finished watching the opening ceremony for the Manchester 2002 commonwealth games. I really enjoyed it. It was actually very good. Much better than many opening ceremonies I have seen. There’s going to be saturation coverage on TV for the next 10 days. I guess I’ll get to see a lot of it. Jan and Jamie are going to see the Women’s Gymnastics on Sunday at the GMex centre.

Merge City

Well, I finally finished all those merges I needed to do. It took about 3 days longer than expected! And there are more painful merges to come. 🙁
I’ve still to finish packaging up the release. But I’ve stopped that while I have to branch from a previous release of another project coz, the client doesn’t have time to test the last release! So they want the previous release (which hasn’t gone live yet) PLUS one more piece of work.


Cool! Subversion has just hit alpha. Subversion is a designed and built from scratch replacement for / successor to CVS. It addresses all the short comings of CVS, and adds tons of cool new features. Check it. But don’t forget that alpha status.

Mergin’ Blues

So far I’ve spent three and a half days doing the merges I mentioned recently. Here’s a big tip. When the client wants you to do something nasty to optimize throughput, which you know will mean harder maintenance and development later, resist with all your might! This is just taking forever, and I’ve got another two merges to do yet.
In the next couple of weeks there are three more to do! In the weeks following that there are even more. All of them are going to be painful because we were persuaded to hack in some really dirty optimizations! 🙁

James Doing OK

Heard this evening that James is doing OK. If he sleeps OK tonight, then he can go back on the ward tomorrow. This is great news. 😀
I’m sure Chris and Jo are relieved. I’ve not heard any results form the brain scan yet.