Work, work, work

Another very bitty day today! The one thing I had to do today, which I managed to start this morning, I never got chance to finish it! I’ve lurched from one thing to another all day long. Production problems, “Can you just do this?”, “Don’t forget to ring that guy from…”, “I know you’re busy but…”, “I need you to drop everything and write something to…” (this one from the big boss), “Can you stay late?”, and “Can you come in early in the morning?” Phew! And all this on top of the fact that the one thing I set out to do is not the thing I’m down on the plan to be doing anyway! I think I must have hit about 6 levels of interruption today (interrupted to do X which was interrupted to do X which was interrupted to do…).

And I love it! I really do.

And there’s not really anyone else who can do it. At least not as quickly, or get down to the root of a problem as quickly, or figure out the right fix, or… I’m not an arrogant person, but I have at least a decade more experience than the rest of the people on my team. I’m good at what I do.

So much so that I’m going to ask about redefining my role in the team tomorrow. We’ll see how well that goes down. But that’s after I’m in early to work some more on this production problem. And that’s after I’m just going to look at a couple of things tonight!