Spreading a Little Cheer

A while ago I joined a blogshares spin off called shareblogs. In which Discovering new sites, networking with other bloggers, and having a little fun giving and receiving gifts are also part of the enjoyment.. So, after regularly receiving gifts of shares from various members and after I finally realised that I should be giving gifts of shares to people, I decided to do just that. I started with all my fellow shareblogs members, and then chose the then ten newest players to give to. I have had some nice emails back from people, in cluding one from Tanya Parker who mentions me at the end of this post.

Disney Animates Dali’s Flick

I would really like to see this short film. I am a great fan of Dali’s works.

“In 1946, Walt Disney and Salvador Dali, in one of cinema’s oddest collaborations, teamed up on a short film called Destino. But Disney’s studio ran into financial trouble and put the unfinished film on the shelf.
Now, 57 years later, a team of Disney animators has finished what Dali started.”

Awesome Mods!

I like some of these case mods in this story over at Wired.

“PCs are a marvel of engineering on the inside. The shell of a garden-variety desktop machine, on the other hand, is as dull as a command prompt. Users longing for a box whose beauty is more than CPU-deep have invented a new form of self-expression: casemodding – altering a PC’s exterior to make it as distinctive as its owner.”

Google Is Five Today

Google, the net’s most popular search index is five years old today. Google is named for googol, 1 followed by 100 zeros — a pretty big number. While Google doesn’t quite have a googol pages under index, it does have a bunch, 3,307,998,701, as of this afternoon. The site handles over 200 million search queries each day.”

Story from ITinfo