Linux From Scratch – Progress

Didn’t notice until installing binutils failed that I’d had a typo when creating the initial directory structure. I had $LFS/usr/man linked to $LFS/usr/shar/man instead of $LFS/usr/share/man.
Ah well, fixed it and set of the compile build again. I’ll have to rebuild bash too.


Linux From Scratch

Started installing Linux From Scratch on Pingu tonight.
So far so good. The machine I’m doing it on is a little slow. So the first thing I built (Bash) which it was suggested would take around 3 minutes took more like 8. Ah well, I’ll take my time anyway.

I’m going to record everything I do which is different from the LFS book. But so far nothing unusual has been required.

I’ve got Bash installed and Bin-utils is compiling as I type.

I’m going to leave it going and get off to bed. Got to go to work in the morning!

Later days