Free The Mouse

I’ve just added a link to another worthy cause. This one the Eldred v. Ashcroft campaign.

This site collects material related to the constitutional challenge of the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act, which extended by 20 years both existing copyrights and future copyrights.

They have a good about page which neatly summarizes the case.

Please give them your support, the likes of Disney, Time Warner, and the RIAA are crippling creativity firstly in the US, but ultimately the world over.

Not Much Ado About Nothing

There’s not much happening at the moment.

I’m busy at work as usual. I had a particularly frustrating day today.

I’ve recently added a real simple counter to the bottom of my page but I’ve been looking at others including Jellycounter and Extreme Tracking. I also added a recent referrers script from Stephen’s Web.

I’m still thinking about an add-on for B2 I want to write. No information yet, I don’t want to spoil the surprise 😉

And that’s it really. Just writing this, however, has made me want to get organised. So maybe things will develop…

Why You can’t Make Money from Online Content

I’ve just read a truly excellent article by Stephen Downes entitled “Five Choices: Or, Why I Won’t Give Dave Pell Twelve Dollars” about why Content does not and will not sell on the net. He says:

Content didn’t sell on the net, and it won’t sell on the net, because the premises of the rejoinder are false: people sometimes don’t deserve to be paid, even if they work hard, because the market doesn’t work that way. And people will produce content, even if they don’t get paid for the content. The online evidence for this is overwhelming, as two billion free web pages will attest.

This is a really interesting read. Stephen runs a web site that is “intended to represent the next generation of learning”. I’m very interested in education, including online learning, I’ll have to keep an eye on Stepehen’s Web


Lazy Day Done

Well, it was a lazy day. Didn’t do much of anything. I did watch Recess – School’s Out with Jamie. It was OK. What was interesting was James Woods being the voice for the baddie. Just his delivery was far superior to any of the other voices.

I’ve read about 200 pages of my book. I did a bit of shopping — just a few things we were short of.

Right now I’m updating the work copy of Bugzilla. I’ll probably go to bed and read after I’ve finished that.