BBC calls off nude interview

BBC calls off nude interview.

A radio interview between veteran DJ John Peel and a nude rights campaigner was called off after the interviewee refused to cover up.
Bosses at BBC South asked their guest, Steve Gough, to put some clothes on because they thought he may offend some members of staff.

The naturist, who is well-known locally, said that covering up would defeat the object of his campaign to be accepted in his birthday suit.

Hee hee. 🙂

Should You Fear Google?

It seems that Google are flavour of the week: Google watch has published an article claiming “Google deserves your nomination for Big Brother of the Year”. Whilst I am a big supporter of privacy on the ‘net, and greatly dislike some of the dubious practices of some web sites, I think this is more than a little paranoid.
But, these guys fill a required niche, someone has to watch the big players lest they get carried away with their own power.
Link from slashdot

New Camera – Fuji FinePix F601Z

We finally received a replacement digital camera for the one that was stolen. It’s a Fuji FinePix F601Z. It looks to be a good camera; 3.1 mega pixels, 3 x optical zoom, lots of manual override of the automatic settings, etc.
On the minus side; it’s a proprietary rechargeable battery, so I’ll have to get a spare, and it takes 5 hours to charge from empty; the camera uses smart media cards rather than compact flash, so the one CF card which wasn’t stolen isn’t any use; it’s also not a traditional camera shape, which will take some getting used to. On the plus side; we did get the cradle with it.
It will also record short movies (and at 640 X 480 too), so I’m looking forward to playing with that.
It’s fully charged now, so I can have a play with it.

My 50 Things To Do In My Lifetime

I found a great site today through a colleague, Chris: It’s a site where you create a list of 50 (or more, or less) things you would like to achieve in your lifetime.

The aim of My50 is to encourage people to break from the monotony of everyday life and start living life to the full.

Life is short, and we spend too much of it doing things we do not want to do, shackled to our jobs and daily chores. The free time we do have, we sometimes don’t spend wisely. Ask yourself – what have you ever promised yourself you would do, or wished you could try? When you were young, what did you want to do “when you were older”, and more importantly, are you doing them?

You can optionally set completion dates, and track them through the site.
They have a list of 50 suggestions to get you started. You can pick some of those, add your own (with descriptions and pictures). You can make your list public or private.
It’s a great idea! I’ve started my list, but not yet put in any deadlines.