Matt and I have been working flat out on WordPress the last couple of days, Matt especially. I think we are making good progress and should soon be ready for an alpha release!
Category Archives: Geek Stuff
Nearly Official
Wow! Michel Valdrighi has announced that WordPress will be the official replacement for / continuation of B2.
“Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little are leading the new WordPress branch of b2, that is going to become the new official branch once they get a release out.”
The Hokey Pokey (as written by W. Shakespeare)
It’s been around a while, but SteveP Sent me this.
WASHINGTON POST STYLE has a contest in which readers submit instructions for doing various things, their choice, as written by famous authors. Jeff Brechlin of Potomac Falls recently won with the following:
The Hokey Pokey (as written by W. Shakespeare)
O proud left foot, that ventures quick within
Then soon upon a backward journey lithe.
Anon, once more the gesture, then begin:
Command sinistral pedestal to writhe.Commence thou then the fervid Hokey-Poke,
A mad gyration, hips in wanton swirl.
To spin! A wilde release from Heavens yoke.
Blessed dervish! Surely canst go, girl.The Hoke, the poke — banish now thy doubt
Verily, I say, ’tis what it’s all about.
Awesome! Outstanding! Cut ‘n’ pasted from William Gibson, who is still blogging.
Busy, Busy
The Know
A colleague of mine, Jeff, has set himself up a web site over at It’s a PostNuke based site with an embedded Wiki, forum, and chat.
“TheKnow is an experimental Opinionating and Community site based upon an advanced content management system combined with a state-of-the-art “Wiki” engine and the popular phpBB bulletin board.”
Go check it out, its looks to be pretty cool. Lots of potential. It already has some interesting content too.
My page counter rolled over 300,000 last night.
Major Microsoft security flaw exposed
How do these people manage to even tie their own shoelaces? Major Microsoft security flaw exposed.
“The flaw, in Passport’s password recovery mechanism, allowed an attacker to change the password on any account to which the user name is known…It is hardly an exploit or even vulnerability; it’s just a flaw in their web-application logic.”
I also note that:
“Microsoft moved quickly to prevent online vandals from exploiting the issue. The advisory was posted just before 20:00(PDT), and by 23:30(PDT), the software giant had essentially turned off the vulnerable feature. “We have shut down all ability to reset passwords,” said Sean Sundwall, spokesman for the company.”
Three and a half hours to remove a page? IMHO the quickest fix would have been to remove the ‘page’ to which this exploit submitted and live with a 404. It should have taken about 5 minutes to confirm the problem, 5 minutes to remove it, 5 minutes to test and maybe 15 minutes to deploy to live.
Careful Your Prejudice is Showing
Andrew Orlowski over at The Register makes some wild assumptions based on a single sentence about Google and Blogs in a report on Yahoo News otherwise concentrating on Google’s financial plans.
“Google allows people to search Web pages, as well as search specific types of content such as news sources, shopping sites through its “Froogle” service, Usenet groups. Soon the company will also offer a service for searching Web logs, known as “blogs,” Schmidt said.”
Orlowski manages to read an awful lot about his own problems with weblogs and Google into that last sentence. He even claims it is an announcement: “CEO Eric Schmidt made the announcement on Monday”, and then goes on to quote extensively from his own interviews with Chris Roddy, a politics and linguistics undergraduate at the University of Emory. and Gary Stock, chief technology office for Nexcerpt, Inc. (who incidently publishes his own blog) enough snippets to back his own points of view.
He also misquotes a conversation on slashdot in which someone says “In your search string, add the term -blog” (which is standard search engine syntax to exclude results that contain the word blog) and which Orlowski misquotes to be “a suggestion that Google add a -noblog option, which it effectively appears to be introducing by default.” That latter phrase presumably referring to his own interpretation of Google’s plans for a new Blog only search tab and removal of blog results from the main search which he derives from the single sentence quoted above!
This is major case of a ‘reporter’ airing his own prejudices as ‘news’.